Media Kit

About 1PointFive

1PointFive is a carbon removal and storage company focused on reducing atmospheric CO2. 1PointFive’s purpose is to support worldwide decarbonization to curb global temperature rise to 1.5°C in alignment with global targets.


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DAC Education

Learn about Direct Air Capture and how it will make an impact on climate change.

Direct Air Capture - Explanation Video Preview


The world’s largest Direct Air Capture facility from 1PointFive, STRATOS, currently being developed in Ector County, TX.

STRATOS calciner render
STRATOS render
STRATOS render overhead
STRATOS wideshot render

Carbon Engineering’s Innovation Center located on the waterfront of Squamish, British Columbia.

Carbon Engineering's innovation center
Carbon Engineering's innovation center aerial
Carbon Engineering's innovation center aerial
Carbon Engineering's innovation center

Quotes from Leadership

"We're proud to partner with Airbus on an enormous opportunity to help the aviation industry and other hard-to-abate sectors decarbonize, Direct Air Capture will be a scalable, practical solution that aerospace pioneers like Airbus can integrate into their decarbonization roadmaps to contribute to climate action.”

Michael Avery President and General Manager 1PointFive

“We are committed to delivering large-scale DAC solutions to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. We believe our deployment approach and partnership with Carbon Engineering will support rapid, global deployment of DAC facilities to meet the urgency of the climate challenge and growing customer demand for DAC-enabled net-zero solutions.” 

Michael Avery President and General Manager 1PointFive

“We are pleased to enter into this strategic agreement with Boston Consulting Group (BCG). It builds on our existing partnership and reflects our shared commitment to the climate and the importance of DAC as an industrial-scale, durable, and verifiable carbon removal solution”

Michael Avery President and General Manager 1PointFive

“We are proud to partner with TD Securities and believe their purchase demonstrates how Direct Air Capture can become a vital tool in an organization’s sustainability strategy and help further net-zero goals. Carbon removal credits from Direct Air Capture will be measurable, transparent and durable, with the goal of providing a solution for organizations to address their emissions.”

Michael Avery President and General Manager 1PointFive